Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lowes Foods, HT and Walmart!

Wellll I let the CVS ECB expire. I just couldn't get to the store that day. I guess I will take it to my favorite CVS this weekend maybe and see if they will let me use it. I know it is up to each store manager if they do or not.

And to top it off, I am sick AGAIN!!! We just got over a nasty coughy cold in the last week or so. That one lasted a few weeks. Then yesterday the itchy throat, sneezing and clogged up ear started. And the nose blowing. OMG the nose blowing. My poor nose is already raw! So I ran out today to grab a few good deals, figuring as this was just day one of The Snot Fest, I would probably feel better today than I will for the next few days.

Can you tell I am a bit CRANKY over being sick AGAIN so SOOOOOON?!?!?!?

As always, I am listing each store in seperate posts.

Totals for the Day- 173.90
Saved- 113.51
Spent- 60.39


  1. Just found your blog the other day, and I'm enjoying it! I live in NC as well, but not in an area that has a Lowes (or a Kroger or anything except HT and FL). I'm always looking for great ways to save more money in taking care of our family of 8. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.

  2. Hi!!! Thanks for leaving a comment! Glad to see another *local* gal. I have a great time couponing and take great pride in how much money I am saving now. I look back to a year ago and cannot BELIEVE how much money I used to spend. LOL
