Tuesday, March 24, 2009

HT Triples

Looking at the possible freebies lists posted at various forums for the upcoming Triples at HT I am thinking I might actually sit this one out or at the very least not rush right out on Wednesday.

I am either wellstocked on the items or it is just honestly nothing we would use.

I guess I will wait til the sale paper hits on Wednesday and see what kinda deals folks find and then maybe go after the restock over the weekend.


  1. This is the first triples I'm not super excited about either. Which is strange because it's a week long! I do have some charity shopping I want to do but I'll probably wait until the weekend.

  2. I went to HT this morning and used my daily limit of 20 coupons. I was pleased with my savings of $36. I spent a little less than $20. I bought some things that were on sale that I didn't have a coupon for like Perdue chicken breast and fresh broccoli. I think my best deal was the Pillsbury/Green Giant sale. I bought 5 GG frozen veggies, one frozen bag of Pillsbury sweet rolls, 3 Grands buscuits and one crescent roll pack. After coupons I spent about $6 and then got another $4 off for buying ten all together. So about $2 for all of that!

  3. Anon- That is great!!!! And yes they have some great deals but for me this time there just wasn't much. I am stocked pretty well now on most things. :)

    Mary Ellen- Yeap that is how I felt. I did find a few deals and will probably stop today while I am out.
