Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Office Depot SCORE!

I have to go to Office Depot and Staples for my work and every now and then get really lucky on a good deal!

Today they had Expo Dry Erase Marker sets (the pen-size markers in 16 misc. colors) on clearance in a buggy at the front of the store. They were clearanced to 3.50. I asked what the original price had been (not something I normally buy) to see if it was really a good deal or not and the manager said" Take as many as you want! I will mark them to $1 to just be rid of them."

I got:

8 packs of the 16 count Expo Fine Tip dry erase markers or 128 markers (appears to retail for around 14.00 EACH pack!!!!! marked down to 3.50 each)
1 pack that had 4 of the *standard* colors (red, blue, green and black) of the larger marker size, a bottle of special cleaning fluid and an eraser all in one pack for $1 (this showed retail of 10.49, marked down to 2.50)
1 Large Empty Desk calander (the kind that just have the empty boxes. No dates or years printed on it. For $1. (these appear to be about 9.00 or so normally, went with the low number I found)

So a conservative estimate total regular retail- 131.00
Total sale price (75% or so off regular retail) before manager said $1- 30.75
Saved- 120.32 or 20.07
Spent- 10.68!!!!

That is just amazing.

My daughter LOVES these. She has a chalkboard/dry erase board easel that she loves to play school with. The markers are just SO expensive that it is a rare treat when she gets some new ones. These will get put away and given out now as a special toy on a fairly regular basis (for having a good week at school etc!).

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